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flox containerize command

Warning: This command is experimental and its behaviour is subject to change


flox-containerize - export an environment as a container image


flox [ `<general-options>` ] containerize
     [-d=<path> | -r=<owner/name>]


Export a Flox environment as a container image. The image is written to <path>. Then use docker load -i <path> to load the image into docker. When <path> is -, the image is written to stdout, and can be piped into docker load directly.

Running the container will behave like running flox activate. Running the container interactively with docker run -it <container id>, will launch a bash subshell in the container with all your packages and variables set after running the activation hook. This is akin to flox activate

Running the container non-interactively with docker run <container id> allows you to run a command within the container without launching a subshell, similar to flox activate --

Note: The containerize command is currently only available on Linux. The produced container however can also run on macOS.


-o, --output
Write the container to <path> (default: ./<environment-name>-container.tar.gz) If <path> is -, writes to stdout.

Environment Options

If no environment is specified for an environment command, the environment in the current directory or the active environment that was last activated is used.

-d, --dir
Path containing a .flox/ directory.

-r, --remote
A remote environment on FloxHub, specified in the form <owner>/<name>.

General Options

-h, --help
Prints help information.

The following options can be passed when running any flox subcommand but must be specified before the subcommand.

-v, --verbose
Increase logging verbosity. Invoke multiple times for increasing detail.

-q, --quiet
Silence logs except for errors.


Create a container image file and load it into Docker:

$ flox containerize -o ./mycontainer.tar.gz
$ docker load -i ./mycontainer.tar.gz

Pipe the image into Docker directly:

$ flox containerize -o - | docker load

Run the container interactively:

$ flox init
$ flox install hello
$ flox containerize -o - | docker load
$ docker run --rm -it <container id>
[floxenv] $ hello
Hello, world!

Run a specific command from within the container, but do not launch a subshell.

$ flox init
$ flox install hello
$ flox containerize -o - | docker load
$ docker run <container id> hello
Hello, world


flox-activate(1) [docker-load(1)]